Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Guard dies after Holocaust museum shooting  - Crime & courts

Just think if we had let him kill the members of the Federal Reserve
board we wouldn't be where we are at financially...just a thought

CNN || The disease that's ravaging Latin America

If a disease only affects the poor you have to wonder about the Eugenics
programs of the 1930's...

Raw Story » Air France crash killed two prominent illegal arms foes

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Global Temperatures Chart 2500 BC to 2040 AD

Someone tell Al Gore to SUCK IT!

Yvonne Singh: Why are we fingerprinting children? | Comment is free |

Coming to the USA soon!

Raw Story » Graham, Lieberman threaten Senate shut down over abuse photo bill

If the US didn't torture in the first place we wouldn't be at this juncture.

I can hear the drums of war crimes trials for the Bush Administration.

Pissed off Former Democrat- ADAP2K: CIA urges judge to keep detainee papers secret

National Security my ASCII! The Us Government is staring war crimes trials
in the face and they are going to stonewall all the evidence.

Is this what the Founding Fathers intended for the nation?

What would Thomas Jefferson say?

Raw Story » Mikhail Gorbachev calls for new American revolution

UN Rapporteur: Rumsfeld in Trouble‹By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

CNN || Soldier hurt in shooting: 'I like defending this country'

The headlines should read Professional Liars shot. One dead. I remember
the look on my recruiters face the day I showed up and punched him
square in the face...hilarious good times!;.live4i

Starbucks double-charges a million customers - Local business

I wonder how many of the 1 million twits even realized this.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tests Show Slugger's Eyes Just Fine


N. Korea sentences 2 U.S. journalists - North Korea

This has nothing to do with US and North Koreas relationship.
This is about 2 "so-called" American reporters who look surprisingly
South Korean, crossing into a sovereign COMMUNIST country. Enough said.

N. Korea Sentences US Reporters To 12 Years Labor

Can we have all the FORMER vice presidents shut the fuck up! Ahhh
silence...attention hogging never would have been president anyway not
qualified douche bags...gonna be a great Monday!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chinese passenger insured for $1.4m

Interesting and kind of spooky...regarding one of the victims of Air France
flight 447...

While declining to reveal the person's name, PICC Life Insurance Co Ltd said
yesterday in a news release that the client bought an insurance product last
year with the insured amount set at 240,000 yuan. According to the insurance
contract, the passenger would get 40 times the insured amount if the person
was killed in an air crash.

Near-miss for airliner: Big model rocket? - News

Interesting. TWA 800 wasn't so lucky, Two close calls each around
memorial day...I bet a third will not be so lucky.