Thursday, January 31, 2008

Update! My Life and shizzle my Nizzle

So an update to some of my previous blogs...

As of 12/23/07 my roommate/ex moved out and I tell ya its fuckin rough!
Its amazing how lonely one gets when the person that has been a constant part of your life is just not there anymore. She does live around the corner and we do spend time together still, movies, lunch, dinner, ROCKBAND! But ALAS I am by myself....

Had a few friends over from work the other night for a ROCKBAND evening! Was awesome had a blast!

I'm moving on March 1st, just moving downstairs from where I live now, the 3 bedroom is very lonely, and honestly too big for me, so I will move to a one bedroom that will be just right for me....

The job sucks, I know! Usually I'm the one loving his job, but, ALAS a dark cloud came over T-Mobile last August/September, Senior Management was re-shuffled. One boss was forced out of the company, my new boss had to take a demotion and now answers to a guy who replaced him...
Needless to say the Boston region managers are now broken into clicks and as usual I'm not part of that drama ass snizzle. We have favoritism, racism, and just plain hatred in the region now....We also have an unconfirmed rumor that the boss is sleeping with an employee, but again unconfirmed...So with all that drama I've got my ears to the pavement and looking for new opportunities. Don't get me wrong, all this bad shit may pass, I mean I have a deep down feeling that someone can see that for a value based organization our current senior management do not follow the values....they preach them out their ass but do not practice them....As one manager has stated to me, just keep your mouth shut and do your job...LOL

When the fuck have I ever kept my mouth shut?