Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April Showers.....

...ahhh I love when it rains like this....not too cold and not too hot.
Life is good, can't really complain. Amazing as it seems I'm actually

Sunday, April 27, 2008

357 358 359 360 Elite

So after having my repaired xbox shit the bed again I threw down the
coin and picked up a new xbox360, of the elite status...I am going to
get the shitbox repaired and sell it....

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A relationship destroyed by assumption...

I guess actions do speak louder than words...

The delete key is so much easier than getting the facts...

Rockband pics are posted...

Rockband pics from January 27th are posted...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

How do I get the world to listen...

When so many humans can not think for themselves....

Saying goodbye to Magenta....

I tried...had not one but TWO interviews but blue wanted me to take an
$11,400 pay cut to do the same thing...honestly that is way to much
money to be losing...especially when I would be losing my 7 year
seniority...so magenta, with a little luck and some work from senior
management you may have me for another 7 years...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

360 guitars and overdrive...

So finally after roughly 3 weeks I got my Xbox360 back! Woohooo! So I
also bought two wireless guitars for Rockband and they have adesign
flaw! When you tilt them they should go into overdrive, they DON'T! For
those who don't know Rockband and overdrive I'm not going to explain...
need less to say there is a workaround and it is a bitch! The job hunt
is going well...will update sooon

Monday, April 14, 2008

The abilty to read does not by default make you smart...

The ability to comprehend and use what you read in real world situations
makes you smart...
I've heard you folks out in public and I've had the unfortunate comedic
experience trying to figure out what your trying to say with those big
Big words just like a big truck doesnlt take care of that 'issue' you