Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Will the French Indict Cheney?


Press TV - Rumsfeld to stand trial for war crimes?


CNNMoney.com || $825B question: How fast will it work?

It won't work, the last stimulus didn't work, if it did lets ask
employees of Microsoft, Home Depot, Circuit City, Sprint, Kay Bee Toys,


RT: News : Don’t get taken alive, Israeli soldiers told

I wonder if Israel is afraid their troops would defect or worse, spill
military secrets...hmmm.


BBC’s Mark Thompson Exposed for Refusing Gaza Aid

Another exposed Zionist.


Time Running Out For A Two-State Solution?, 60 Minutes: Growing Number Of Israelis, Palestinians Say Two-State Solution Is No Longer Possible - CBS News

You will see entities distancing themselves from the genocidal terrorist
state, Israel.


Smokers burned up over ‘fire-safe cigarettes��� - Addictions

Like an addict when you take his crack away from them...SHUT UP.


Obama reaches out to Muslim world on TV - Mideast/N. Africa

He can say what he wants, when it comes to the Middle East, the US is
known to support genocidal terrorists. Israel.


CNN || Week-old Gaza cease-fire is breached

An eye for an eye..though I believe this to be a false flag


Friday, January 23, 2009

Paul Proctor -- We Have a New President Now

Interesting story here...


Mystery Prison Buses in the Desert


Obama Should Worry About the Bush Family Tentacles Undermining His Plans | | AlterNet


Israeli claim: Iran elite forces killed in Gaza War

Bullshit...but lets just say, ok. What about the laser guided targeting
of civilians and UN schools and Headquarters? What about white
Phospherus??? War crimes plain and simple.


UN Expert: Compelling Evidence of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza | News From Antiwar.com


What caused the financial crisis in the US? « Questions4Thoughts


  Alarm Spreads Over Use of Lethal New Weapons


CNN || Social-networking sites share breaking news

Data mining and the origins of a police state where citizens are used to
spy believing they are not...checkmate.


CNN || Day after saving woman, transit hero helps save fire victims

Lets make transit police look like heroes and forget about that
murdering transit officer who shot an unarmed man in the back.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

U.N. aid chief: Gaza toll 'shocking' - Israel-Palestinians

Israel's Mossad, who originally captured this Israeli soldier has
already killed him. Israel makes demands that are promising only when
they control the outcome from the start.


Caroline Kennedy withdraws Senate bid - Capitol Hill

I don't want to get shot in the head was her official reasoning...Israel
was happy they didn't have to waste any ammo...


Monday, January 19, 2009

Israel plans to exit Gaza by inauguration - Israel-Palestinians

Ha! Mossad already has the orders to false flag a rocket into Israel...
a cease fire will not hold because Israel has a history of breaking
them...see November 5th for the last one...


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Inauguration with momentous meaning - Inauguration

Obama is not 100% black, this falls into the "if we say it enough times
it will become fact".

More brainwashing...

After the train ride the curtain will be pulled aside and the real Obama
will emerge...


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Court Rules Some Types of Warrantless Wiretapping Are Legal

Silly Verizon, the government always wins...


CNN || Obama poised to be first 'wired' president

More hypnosis...


Israeli shells pound Gaza City - Israel-Palestinians

Remember, the strategy of any country is to kill male children and
teenagers so they can not grow up to fight....but ALAS as the terrorist
state of Israel has learned, you must now kill the young girls now...


For the first time, Gaza militants fire phosphorus shell at Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

So...from home made rockets to phosphorus shells? Lie. The part that
tells me its a lie is the fact that the shell landed in a un-populated
field...Israel launched the shell to up the propaganda...


CNN || U.N. compound ablaze in Gaza fighting

Israel continues to target United Nations facilities.


Vatican secret confession tribunal opens up - Faith

Mass hypnosis on a grand scale...

The greatest story ever sold...


Obama Charms Even a Night's Grand Ol' Party

Hypnosis on a small scale...


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Iraqi cleric ascends from al-Qaida to U.S. ally - Washington Post

I'm glad he finally finished in "the shitter", I couldn't hold it any

CNN || Iran arrests four over 'CIA-backed plot'

When regime change comes to the US, what a relief nit will be...why
can't we stop meddling

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything

Mike Ventre

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