Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Miss Universe and Miss USA tour Guantanamo - Beauty Pageants

Why are these sluts touring a military prison? When was the last time
they toured Leavenworth?


Fauci: Why there is no AIDS vaccine - AIDS

AIDS, THE HIV virus was designed in a military lab, its design was
population control...no cure in sight...ever.


Netanyahu: Israel wants peace with Arabs - Israel-Palestinians

Lie Jew Lie Jew...


Pakistani Taliban threatens White House - Pakistan

Ummmm ok, so this couldn't be any straighter out of 24...fucking
dimwits...have I told you the CIA believes you're an idiot????


NYT: Man Charged in Opening of Plan

So the plane was delayed hours over inclement weather? Yet they say
because of this guy the plane was delayed. Hmmm don't the two erase
themselves? Also, if the emergency chute was not deployed why would it
need to be replaced? I see someone being made an example of here...


Scoop: Debate continues over Madonna's adoption - The Scoop

Whew! I'm safe! Madonna only adopts non white non Americans...


DEA agents to stage Afghan offensive - Afghanistan

So we use US and British troops to guard the poppy fields, looting them
for the CIA's drug running operations and then, when it is found that
someone else is muscling in on the US/British business we use the cover
of the DEA to eliminate the threat. Excellent.


Group: 300 migrants drown off Libya - Mideast/N. Africa

Passenger manifest please? Want to see who was "murdered"


FDA: Avoid pistachios amid salmonella scare - Food safety

Seems to be a lot of salmonella scares recently. I wonder if a false
flag is approaching...get everybody feared up!


Monday, March 30, 2009

Citing 'hearsay,' Israel ends Gaza deaths probe - Israel-Palestinians

The warcrime guilty Israeli's have closed their own investigation, but
the real warcrimes investigation is just warming up.


Panel: All teens should be tested for depression - Mental health

Look for mass inoculations...

If the genetically modified food doesn't get you the needle will.


Air Traffic Controllers: Madonna In Malawi

"This is Magoogoo, he is the one Madonna didn't want" - Dane Cook

So many US orphans yet this bitch has to adopt in Africa.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

CNN || Kurtz: Exploring the scene at octuplets' house

why is the focus on this low life, welfare seeking, attention grabbing,
piece of kangaroo shit?


FAA wants bird strike records confidential - News

So we see big business fucking with consumer safety and the US
government goes along like the lap dog it is. Another reason I don't


In time for Cinco de Mayo: kosher tequila - Local business

Why do the Jews feel they have to hijack other societies celebrations.

Emphasis on hijacking. MOSSAD you listening?


CNN || Russia to build 6 nuclear subs with cruise missiles

Remember the time when Russia didn't have the money or balls to do
something like this? I believe it is about time to learn Russian...


CNN || Facebook users wage condom campaign against Pope

Lets really get his attention and send this Nazi a few million toaster

(No disrespect intended to victims)


Friday, March 27, 2009

NYT: Israel Disputes Soldiers' Accounts

Israel killed more than 60% civilians. Blah. Forcing soldiers to come
forward only backs up your atrocities.


Clinton: U.S. drug use fuels border violence - Focus on Mexico

Lizard 1 is a smarty!


Obama: Taliban and Al Qaeda must be stopped

Obama: "students" and "toilets" must be stopped!

This guy is a moron, look at Lizard 1 looking over his shoulder.


N. Korea nuclear test a growing possibility - Washington Post

Easy fix. Pull our troops and let the Asians prove who is the bully on
the playground...let them nuke eachother and get it over with...


Japan Readies Missile Defense System

This is the cover story for the US to actually destroy this rocket.


Debate on royal succession re-ignited in Britain

This is exactly why the human race will never be considered anything but
a slave race in the galaxy...


Israel attacked convoy in Sudan in January: report

Since when is it allowed that one country can attack another country and
it not be declared an act of war??

Israel is moving closer to the day when the world will stand united at
its doorstep and destroy Israel's house.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

North Koreas gets set to launch rocket

Who cares if the rocket can hit Alaska, Russia has already dropped
missles in Alaska...Fear.


For troops in Iraq, shower may be fatal - Military

Cheney is out of office but still committing atrocities to our troops.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

CNN || Report: Israel's phosphorus shell use in Gaza 'evidence of war crimes'

Israel and warcrimes...synonomous.


North Korea looks set to launch missile - North Korea

If we stayed out of other countries business this would not be a


Postal service could run out of money in ’09 - U.S. business

Good! E-mail works, UPS and FedEx works, even DHL..The US Postal Service
is like the model T...expired.


Detroit Tigers' opener 'is an insult for Catholics' - Baseball - NBCSports.com

If e just took religion out of the equation we could have saved this
dribble drabble...


More than 50 new species found in New Guinea - Science

Yet humans can't comprehend life on another planet.


AIG exec turns in resignation ... in NY Times - U.S. business

A retention bonus is for "staying" with the company. How can this
asshole keep his retention bonus?

Honestly Americans as a whole have shit for brains.


Clinton: U.S. drug use fuels border violence - Focus on Mexico

Thanks Lizard 1...stating the obvious.


Fare increase on NY transit.

Assholes in Massachusetts take notice!


4.8 earthquake in southern California

As can Californians....shake shake


Alaska's Redoubt volcano erupts for sixth time

Its coming...can you feel it...Alaska can...


NYT: Onboard Device Could Offer Clues

Onboard device? Do you mean the "black boxes"? Honestly Americans are
dumb when you write like that...
At least the newspapers think you are..


Netanyahu pledges to pursue peace with Palestinians

This is a huge lie. This guy wants nothing but the elimination of the
Palestinian people.


Financial experts see recession ending this year - Stocks & economy

Financial wizards? Crystal ball? Was the tooth fairy involved also??
Less than a month ago financial "experts" were warning that the
recession could last years. What changed?


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mossad launches rocket into Israel, blames Palestine


CNNMoney.com || War over AIG bonuses dies down

Out of sight out of mind.


CNN || U.N. report condemns Israel for Gaza operation

Blah blah condemn condemn, DO something about it.


Demonstration Sparks Clash in Arab Israeli Town

Another story to promote hate. Israeli's are Arab. Amazing that if I
travel overseas I am just an American. Even if I'm from California I'm
considered American, and not Californian. This is the doublespeak of our
It is racism.


NTSB: 10-seat plane in Montana crash carried 14

Blah blah regulations, the focus is on the pilots for allowing, fine
their families or even better throw the family's in jail. Decisions have


Colbert Wins NASA Space Station Name Contest

Why is this awry or a mistake? Now we don't have the room named after a


MBTA: May Cut Night, Weekend Commuter Service

My question is why punish the rider who supplies you with your revenue?
Why not take a look internally at lets say all the useless employees
doing nothing while on the company dime?


Latinos, blacks losing jobs at a faster rate - Economy in Turmoil

Give them something else to blame the man for...


Monday, March 23, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

ei: The senator, his pastor and the Israel lobby

ei: The senator, his pastor and the Israel lobby

Posted using ShareThis

ei: Israeli soldiers expose atrocities in Gaza

ei: Israeli soldiers expose atrocities in Gaza

Posted using ShareThis

Sen. Dodd in the hot seat over AIG - Capitol Hill

People! Its not about liking or disliking your Senator or Congress reps,
its about the job they are doing...assholes!


In Angola, pope condemns sorcery - Africa

The White Nazi who wears a dress says you should be like him and not


Not Guilty pleas for KY vote fraud

Interesting story here. I'm sure the Bush team are watching closely.


CNN || Report: N. Korea confirms detention of Americans

Good. Hopefully they are tortured.

The US does it for much less.


'Hero of the Hudson' to pen life story - TODAY: Book news

I appreciate everything this pilot did but at the end of the day who
really cares about his life that much to read this book?


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Russian planes again fly over U.S. Navy ships - CNN.com

Russia is not afraid of the US...plain and simply


US Army Confirms Israeli Nukes

Ooops.... Looks like the US has breaking the law by supplying the
warcriminals with money.


13 firms receiving bailouts owe back taxes - Economy in Turmoil

No you are not going to get to the bottom of this, you will continue to
rape your constituents.


House passes bill taxing AIG, other bonuses - Capitol Hill

The taxes collected on this bill will surely be misused.

Remember the last official act of any government is to loot the


Richardson died of blunt impact to head - Celebrities

US troops are dying from blunt impacts everyday, but no stories about
them...interesting how low the morale standard has become...


New photo reveals an elderly Charles Manson - Crime & courts

Who honestly cares? Oh wait those that instill fear for a living


Undersea volcano erupts near Tonga - Science

The earth continues to fight back.


NYT: Israeli Army to Investigate Gaza shootings

The sharpshooter(sniper) was following orders, orders that obviously
stated shoot to kill women and children.


Bin Laden rallies Somali militants in message - Terrorism

Bin Laden has been dead for 8 years...


Miscommunication over bonuses - Washington Post

I believe whomever failed to communicate with Obama about this was on a
payroll from AIG, a lobbyist.


Israeli soldiers break ranks over Gaza war

And here we go! Israel's own military is now joining the world in
regards to warcrimes allegations.


Israelis round up Hamas politicians in West Bank

Hitlers Israel is on the move...


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Army reviews troop use after Ala. shootings - Crime & courts

Yes, federal law was broken, the Military can not be used to police US


Actress Natasha Richardson has died - Celebrities

Blah...when celebrity deaths are front page and Military hero's deaths
are 2nd, society is wrong....



Pope Draws Fire For Remarks On Condoms, AIDS

Nazi Pope...


Former President George W. Bush to write book

About A goat of all things


Obama considers plan for vets to foot medical bills

Obama is messing with the wrong people...


CNN || Analysts: Next bailout will be a tougher sell

The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury...


CNN || Space shuttle Discovery blasts off with bat stowaway

Is this really news that should be on the main page? Seriously!


CNN || Geithner: AIG must pay back bonus money

This won't happen, another smoke and mirrors show to bilk the


Congress to AIG: Give back those bonuses - More politics

Outrage? That is an emotion. Don't get emotional, do something about
it....asshole Congress.


Heavy? You may live 3 to 10 years less - Diet and nutrition

Blah...Another fear tactic...eating is just as bad as smoking? Yeah
sure. I wonder how much the tobacco lobbyists' paid out for this study?


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Role of religion evident among ‘Idol’ finalists - American Idol

Blah..blah...religion is used to control..jesus never existed..at least
not in the sense the little boy lovers want you to believe...


Obama's homosexual position((no pun intended)

Come out of the closet and be gay! So when the government comes for you
they don't have to look so hard...


Pope in Africa reaffirms "no condoms" against AIDS

So more control over your sexual life is what the guy in drag is saying?
I wonder if he uses a condom on the little boys?


CNN || 'Star Wars' scientists create laser gun to kill mosquitoes

I wonder what the implications of a larger laser intended to kill humans
will be.


CNN || Yahoo releases friend-finding service

The enabling of the police state continues.


AIG likely won’t be able to pay taxpayers back - U.S. business

The last official act of government is to loot the treasury.


Teen dinosaurs hung out, got into trouble - LiveScience

Get the fuck out of here, now we are comparing dinosaurs with the
troubled youth of today. Fucking ludicrous.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Riots erupt in N. Ireland after 3 arrested - Europe- msnbc.com

Who benefits if the violence in Ireland returns???


AIG paying millions in bonuses - Economy in Turmoil- msnbc.com

The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury...


WaPo to merge business section into main

The bloggers are winning...print news aka mainstream is feeling the wrath of
all the lies they have been propagating


Diocese of Cleveland: Parishioners learning fate of churches; Click for updates

The lie is out...they can't keep them open...An unbelievable time we are
living in.


Bin Laden: Gaza offensive is a 'holocaust' - Terrorism

A message from a man who has been dead for 9 years...


Browns WR Stallworth hits, kills Fla. pedestrian - NFL - NBCSports.com

Lets see celebrity get away with murder...


G-20 pledges to revive global economy - World business

Blah....the only way the economy bounces back is if the US admits they
have been bankrupt since the early 30's and breaks the country up into
individual countries...


NYT: China's Leader Says He Is worried about US 1 Trillion in bonds

China should be worried...


CNN || Shoe-thrower fans unite online

I'm a fan!


Report: Russia may base bombers in Cuba - Russia

The United States can only sit back and watch now, with the way "our"
country has acted we have no say in world affairs.


Obama's new strategy: Blaming Bush for 'mess' - Washington Post

I don't remember anybody holding a gun to your head and making you apply
for this job. Obama pushes the unaccountable button...that was easy!


Catholic Bishops: Clergy Abuse Claims Up In 2008

The priests still can't keep it in their pants..


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - White House

The FRAUD goes back on his campaign promise.


Ala. gunman was 'just a normal person' - Crime & courts

Yeah, a normal guy, I am sure further investigation will crack the
facade created the sensationalist media..


Report: Health care 'value gap' hurts U.S. - Health care

Tell us something we already don't know.


Iraq shoe thrower sentenced to three years jail

This guy is hero to the people of the Middle East and forever will be
known for standing up to the war criminal known as George W Bush.


NYT: Crackdown on Protests Continue

The more it changes the more it stays the same.


CNN || 15 guns found at German school killer's home

Video games? What!? Haha there is zero psychological link between
behavior and video games


NYT: Palin's Daughter Bristol Split

So much for those family values


Monday, March 9, 2009

CNN || America becoming less Christian, survey finds

Great! The human race is waking up from the slavery instilled in us
since birth. Your mind is your own and noone should tell you what to do
and how to live your life.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sudan leader faces war-crimes charges - Sudan

Interesting that there was no mention in the mainstream jewish owned
media of the 15 Israel's arrest warrants issued by INTERPOL. (Jewish is
not capitalized for a reason)


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Clinton pledges support for Israel - Israel-Palestinians

So INTERPOL issues arrest warrants for 15 Israeli's and the lapdog US
goes to Israel.... I think those warrants should be extended to Bush,
Cheney, Rice, Obama, Clinton, Rmsfeld, etc.


NYT: Obama offered deal to Russia in letter - The New York Times

The problem is that Iran is building a civilian nuclear power plant with
Russian assistance, not weapons grade.
