Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Younger Students Show Gains in Math, Reading Skills

But are still the dumbest kids in the world.


Obama: New York Flyby Was Wrong

The directory of Military affairs should lose his job,


Survey: Americans switch faiths often - Faith

Of course they do, sheep do whatever they are told.


Somber services mark Israel’s Memorial Day - Israel-Palestinians

Many more Israeli's will be joining the dead if they continue the
various wars of aggression and 9/11 type attacks.


Report: Russia set to test new missiles - Russia

No big fuss from the US on Russias test launch, hmmmm, maybe because
America is Russias bitch these days... see Natural Gas...


Monday, April 27, 2009

NYT: Air Force One Backup Rattles N

Cause ya know Al Qeada painted the plain to look like airforce one, lol,
fucking tools!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

To Jesus or not to Jesus

...that is the question...
I will not argue with friends, family, or just random people I meet
about this guy... Jesus Christ.

You have your beliefs as do I, mine are not as "mainstream" as yours are
and honestly that's why its easier for you to accept. See my belief
system says to question everything, like a scientist I want physical
proof. Until I get solid physical proof my beliefs stand, and you know
what frightens you the most is the fact that my beliefs are being shared
by more and more people every minute of every day...

Thanks for your time...Mike

Friday, April 10, 2009

NYT: Squatters call foreclosures home - The New York Times

Assholes, the original underground railroad was about moving slaves into
freedom, it was life and death. This is nothing like that.. AT ALL!


CNN || U.S. not lined up to defeat al Qaeda, top official warns

You can not defeat an ideology..."the toilet" will be around for years
and years to come.


Pirates recapture U.S. hostage after escape bid - Somalia

Amazing how a "superpower" can be held hostage by a few "pirates"...


Monday, April 6, 2009

CNN || 'Satisfaction' from Kim over N. Korea launch

I'm gonna say that the satellite made it into orbit. The US sheep have
been constantly lied to for years about the capabilities of North Korea,
why start telling the truth now?


CNN || Son of Ryan O'Neal, Farrah Fawcett arrested on drug charges

Must be a tough news day when bullshit makes the front page.


Mount Redoubt volcano irritates Alaskans | Seattle Times Newspaper

Wait till it starts killing them...


Most in poll back outreach to Muslims - Washington Post

Problem is Muslims had NOTHING to do with 9/11, if people would get past
that and then realize religion was created by man to control others,
what a world we would have then...


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cops: N.Y. shooter wore body armor - Crime & courts

Blah....its over lets move on...next thing you know the 2 other gunmen
story will come back into mainstream...


CNN || Binghamton struggles to understand why gunman killed 13

Because he could.


CNN || NATO allies pledge 5,000 troops to Afghanistan

Pledging isn't giving, its a promise blah blah.

Shits about to hit the fan.


2 gay men killed in Baghdad slum, police say - Conflict in Iraq

This is front page news why??

Who cares what happens in Baghdad.


Alaska's Mount Redoubt erupts again - Science

Keep reading about stuff that doesn't affect your life and the Earth
will continue marching you to your death...


Judge stays deportation of accused Nazi death camp guard - CNN.com

Since US companies supported Hitler during the war why are they not being
brought up on charges?

Ford Motors (for those who don't do their research)


Sailor in spy case gets maximum 10-year sentence - CNN.com



Torture claims shadow U.S. war on terror - CNN.com

America: Never forget the torture done in your name...


Gang of villagers chase away Google car - CNN.com

As long as this doesn't turn violent I believe residents have the right to
block the intrusive methods of Google.


Demi Moore responds to Twitter suicide threat - CNN.com

What many folks will miss in this "celebrity saves a commoner" story is this
tidbit of information.

"Twitter followers who saw the message tracked it to a San Jose, California,

Twitter followers, or online "stalkers" tracked the message to this ladies
HOME, wake-up! If regular folk can track, imagine the resources at the
governments disposal.


Friday, April 3, 2009

North Korea rocket launch could be Saturday

A stern message? Ha, so in that context you would talk to the schoolyard
bully knowing full well he is going to hit you?

Makes perfect sense.

We don't mess with North Korea because they will kick the shit out of


NYT: Jury Says Professor Was Wrongl

Our country was founded on freedom of speech.

Congrats Professor...let the sue begin.


Michelle Obama Dishes About the White House Dog

Who gives a shit about this bitch. (The dog you sheep)


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Barksdale named Nuclear Strike Base

They got those missing nukes from Minot...


CNN || U.S. to North Korea: Don't launch your missile

The US should back away from the table and let N.Korea and Japan Nuke it


Notre Dame racist against President Obama

The three R's at work again...

Religion, Racism, and Retards.

In no specific order.


Baby seat given to Octomom the way she deserves it...



Britons' Interest in Michelle Obama Grows After Royal Meeting

Why does the media compare Michelle Obama with Jackie Kennedy, I don't
see the comparisons...


CNN || Romney strikes bipartisan tone at GOP fundraiser

This shithead is back? Oh boy...


CNN || N. Korea warns Japan against targeting rocket

I really hope Japan shoots this satellites rocket down and North Korea
nukes the shit out of Japan. Honestly. I want some results, definitive
results for all this fear mongering.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nothing compared to what NK will unleash..


Miss Universe blog on Gitmo 'fun' vanishes - Beauty Pageants

Again why was this whore visiting a military prison? Filled with 98%
men, I wonder if she was used as a bargaining tool during torture...


Scoop: Chris Brown hopes to rehabilitate his image - The Scoop

One a woman abuser always a woman abuser...


Israeli youth killed in West Bank ax attack - Israel-Palestinians

Obviously they will not give you the back story on why this Palestinian
attacked the war criminal. But, one more Israeli death locked up against
the 3,000 plus Palestinians killed in Israel's genocide against
Palestine doesn't really add up when you think about it.
