Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Guard dies after Holocaust museum shooting  - Crime & courts

Just think if we had let him kill the members of the Federal Reserve
board we wouldn't be where we are at financially...just a thought

CNN || The disease that's ravaging Latin America

If a disease only affects the poor you have to wonder about the Eugenics
programs of the 1930's...

Raw Story » Air France crash killed two prominent illegal arms foes

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Global Temperatures Chart 2500 BC to 2040 AD

Someone tell Al Gore to SUCK IT!

Yvonne Singh: Why are we fingerprinting children? | Comment is free |

Coming to the USA soon!

Raw Story » Graham, Lieberman threaten Senate shut down over abuse photo bill

If the US didn't torture in the first place we wouldn't be at this juncture.

I can hear the drums of war crimes trials for the Bush Administration.

Pissed off Former Democrat- ADAP2K: CIA urges judge to keep detainee papers secret

National Security my ASCII! The Us Government is staring war crimes trials
in the face and they are going to stonewall all the evidence.

Is this what the Founding Fathers intended for the nation?

What would Thomas Jefferson say?

Raw Story » Mikhail Gorbachev calls for new American revolution

UN Rapporteur: Rumsfeld in Trouble‹By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

CNN || Soldier hurt in shooting: 'I like defending this country'

The headlines should read Professional Liars shot. One dead. I remember
the look on my recruiters face the day I showed up and punched him
square in the face...hilarious good times!;.live4i

Starbucks double-charges a million customers - Local business

I wonder how many of the 1 million twits even realized this.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tests Show Slugger's Eyes Just Fine


N. Korea sentences 2 U.S. journalists - North Korea

This has nothing to do with US and North Koreas relationship.
This is about 2 "so-called" American reporters who look surprisingly
South Korean, crossing into a sovereign COMMUNIST country. Enough said.

N. Korea Sentences US Reporters To 12 Years Labor

Can we have all the FORMER vice presidents shut the fuck up! Ahhh
silence...attention hogging never would have been president anyway not
qualified douche bags...gonna be a great Monday!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chinese passenger insured for $1.4m

Interesting and kind of spooky...regarding one of the victims of Air France
flight 447...

While declining to reveal the person's name, PICC Life Insurance Co Ltd said
yesterday in a news release that the client bought an insurance product last
year with the insured amount set at 240,000 yuan. According to the insurance
contract, the passenger would get 40 times the insured amount if the person
was killed in an air crash.

Near-miss for airliner: Big model rocket? - News

Interesting. TWA 800 wasn't so lucky, Two close calls each around
memorial day...I bet a third will not be so lucky.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bin Laden's message a sign he's worried? - World news-

The dead guy, Bush's buddy, The CIA's asset is back!

Poll: Americans Divided Over Torture, Gitmo

I've never been included in a poll. Hmmmm. If you notice,b the
mainstream media, who is owned by very generous presidential party
donators runs these polls. If you check out the polls on blogs you see a
very different public view. The real view.

D.C. invested in seeing Detroit succeed - Autos

Which means the taxpayers will not be paid back.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

NYT: Secret nuclear list accidentally released - The New York Times

The US government knowingly released these documents to be able to deny
any fault for future nuclear attacks on US soil, or somehow Iran
becomes involved.

Sotomayor tells senators she'd follow the law - Capitol Hill

Bitch better follow the law

Stern ‘to talk to LeBron’ about handshake snub - NBA -

LeBron is a punk

No Murder Charges in Ronnie White Death: Post | NBC Washington

The Police ALWAYS cover their tracks..

In US, another Israeli spy walks free « Pak Alert Press

Israeli Spy Operation in Australia Exposed - Mall Kiosk Workers

I have been calling the Israeli workers in my mall Mossad for 3 years... :-)

Charges of War Crimes against United States go unprobed | Asian Tribune

"Our national honor is stained by the indignity and inhumane treatment these
men received from their captors... After years of disclosures by government
investigations, media accounts, and reports from human rights organizations,
there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has
committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is
whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account."

Israel and the UN, Pt.1

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 requires that Israel grant a right of return to all Palestinians (or compensate them for confiscated lands if the Palestinians choose not to return). Israel's membership in the United Nations as set forth in UN General Assembly Resolution 273 specifically requires Israel to comply with Resolution 194.

Therefore, in light of Israel's refusal to allow Mrs. Zarefa (and thousands just like her) to return to her home, Israel is in violation of the terms by which it became a member of the United Nations.

Israel's membership in the United Nations is therefore null and void.

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything...
Mike Ventre

Raw Story » Cheney admits there was never any evidence tying Iraq, 9/11

Interesting bit of information Dick, thanks for the lies.

California will run out of cash in 14 days - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

That's what you get when you give the reigns to a Nazi...

Chinese company to buy Hummer from GM - Autos-

The Chinese own this country...

Former royal, Riverdance star among plane's missing -

I'm thinking a list of the passengers would be very helpful in finding out
who downed this plane...

U.S. military using Facebook, Twitter - Tech and gadgets

US Military propaganda to follow....society is so easy to accept control
from its masters.

Cash missing after Navy rescue from pirates - Military

Look no further than the US Navy

U.S. tries to remake its image in Latin America - White House

Oh so we are not overthrowing governments, contracting assassinations,
and blackmailing dictators anymore? A make over of sorts?

Pilot sees 'orange points' on Air France route - Americas

The question is, who has France pissed off lately? Israel.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Air France flight goes missing over Atlantic - Americas

Bet it was mechanical failure but you know the Bush..I mean Obama White
House will be parading terrorism around, probably get one the
waterboarded Gitmo inmates to confess to being the mastermind.