Tuesday, August 7, 2007

If you ever need to put your life into perspective...

It is not that bad...trust me.
I had the pleasure of spending 3 hours waiting for a bus from Foxwoods today and let me tell you!

The people that you see on your travels, holy shit!, these people are smoking cigarettes like they are giving away new lungs for every hundred packs smoked. If you think asian girls are the hottest thing, let me tell you.. the asians at foxwoods will show you a good time! Just don't expect them to have any teeth and time to put down the seven cigarettes they have in their mouths....

Then I get to sit next to this 50 ish lookin woman who is texting her daughter/wilderbeast in the seat across from me and all they can do is laugh and giggl,e and tell eachother to check the text Martha! Check the text! haha, cough, cough, lung on floor, cough,, haha....check the fucking text!


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