Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Life in perspective..

So was out yesterday with some of my fellow managers for some beers...

We did Union Street in Newton, Coolidge Corner Clubhouse in Brookline, Kao Sarn in Brookline, and finally afetr waiting for Coolidge to close we went to Londonderry NH and chilled with some very cool NH managers... A good time had by all.

My one takeaway from the whole evening was my talk with Steph regarding my life and what I tolerate... thank you for letting me vent and thanks for letting me crash on your couch.

Looks like I need to get my roomate/ex out of the house, hell we broke up last November! I think I need to invest in a house (Thank you Jen for those words of advice) and I have to make myself happy.

I also need a dog.

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