Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Report: Narrow miss for Pakistan's leaders - Pakistan -

What were the US marines protecting in the Marriot? US marines were
guarding two huge metal boxes prior to the blast at the Marriot in
Pakistan. Why?
Obviously those metal boxes were the two huge bombs that went off.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Were Ike's missing just washed away? - Hurricane Ike -

With all the technology out there today, your saying that the government
couldn't just take names of those who stayed? Yet the government wants
you to believe a man in a cave coordinated 4 planes and 2 nukes on 9/11?
Right, makes perfect sense.

'Target malfunction' halts U.S. missile test - Military -

Lies... the tests for this has failed everytime, but the media wags the
dog and money and wars are started...

More arrests in China's milk scandal - Kids and parenting -

This is what happens when we don't use the real thing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NYT: Odierno Succeeds Petraeus as I

Patraeus = Betray Us
Odierno = Ordinary

Does anybody else notice this?


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Israeli security forces black performer to dance - THE ARTS -

Racism in Israel? Never! Haha right...

=?UTF-8-STRICT?Q?Fears_grow_of_terrorist_with_=E2=80=98an_American?= =?UTF-8-STRICT?Q?_face=E2=80=99_-_9/

An American face? I walk down my street and all I see are people of
mixed races waking around, from India, Vietnam, Korea, China, Italy,
Germany, etc... is an American face a white face? Black face?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Palin church promotes converting gays - Faith -

So Homosexuality runs rampart thru the bible but god wants you to be
straight? Why write about it then condemn it?

Monday, August 18, 2008

CNN || U.S. at risk of cyberattacks, experts say

Are you afraid? If the US government would spend some money and use law
enforcement to find and prosecute hackers we wouldn't have to read about

Thursday, August 14, 2008

U.S. warns Russia of consequences - Russia -

I wonder what history will say about the US saying this, but invading
Iraq and killing 1.5 million civilians? Anybody?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

CNN || Bush, Cheney signal support for Georgia

Ahhh yes...What will the US do now? INVADE! Oh wait that's Russia on the
other end of this clusterf@ck...

Winning Iraqi hearts and minds with money - Washington Post -

You know these greedy ass soldiers have kept more of this money than
they have given out...

Greed is a more powerful weapon...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Iraq demands timeline for U.S. withdrawal - Conflict in Iraq -

Look for a timeline to be set and when the date of departure approaches
security "issues" will increase and the US troops will remain...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

E. coli Found In Town Water System

The fear aspect at work...this headline catches you and then the story
forgets to tell you what town...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bush: China must ensure freedoms - China -

I would rather be repressed and repressed and lied too...this guy, an
unelected guy is getting nervous as his warcrimes trial approaches..

Marriage Gets No Respect On TV, Report Says

That which controls you should not get respect...

Brady: God Doesn't Value Me As Quarterback

Tom Brady is too stupid to relaize he is playing right into the hands of

Bin Laden driver convicted of war crimes - Guantanamo - know you can't convict him of being a terrorist but, back to my
cab story.... I take a cab to the bar, get in a fight, kill the guy,
does the cab driver get put on trial as an accomplice? No... the US
can't convict anybody except on bogus charges....

Steroid dealer Autopsy

This has professional hit written all over it...

CNN || Source: Feds to declare anthrax case solved

Third time's a charm...this I the third suspect and seeing he just
happened to commit suicide and not be here to defend himslef, we just
have to take the governments word on this...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

White House denies fake Iraq-al-Qaida link - The White House -

This has been in the blogs for years yet now, when it is inthe
mainstream it is shot down...the whitehouse is corrupt.

Jury out on first Gitmo case - Guantanamo -

So lets take a step back and put this into perspective...I take a cab to
a bar, get in a fight, kill the guy, does that mean the cab driver goes
on trial? No...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ananova - Miliband 'duped by US' on rendition

What is the UK going to do? Honestly, talk? Its like a security guard
with a radio, are you going to call for help???

Report: Anthrax suspect commits suicide - Security -

Murdered... he was gonna sing about the governments involvedment....

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Paper prints Obama's private prayer - Barack Obama News -

Ahhh yes, the relationship with the cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own
father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and
telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove
an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a
rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat a magical tree... is
that the relationship Obama is worried about???

CNN || McCain: bin Laden could face Nuremberg-like justice

I would love to see them prop up a dead man and put him on trial...;jsessionid=1F6C759B3E319D35EBDE1335751DE45B

Sunday, July 20, 2008

CNN || Pope: 'Spiritual desert' growing across world

A blind conformity? Ha! What is religion when you break it down? Believe
in yourself over believing what others tell you to believe...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

CNN || Obama says time to rid world of nuclear weapons

What about that suitcase Nuke that Israel has in its embassy in downtown
New York? Try taking that bagaining blackmail chip off the table and
Israel will surely detonate it...

Madrid attack suspect's acquittal upheld - Terrorism -

Homegrown radicals with NO ties to Al-Qeada...

Pope: Natural resources being squandered - World Faith -

Of course this drag queen would condemn TV and the Internet, those are
outlets of the truth that can reach millions in seconds...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Al-Qaida's online offensive grows - Washington Post -

Yet every single Al-Qaida web site is hosted and registered with an
American company....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Calif. OKs gay marriages for June 17 - Life -

Keep coming out of the closet...

It will be easier for the government to find you when that time

=?UTF-8-STRICT?Q?Sharon_Stone_suggests_China_quake_was_=E2=80=98ka?= =?UTF-8-STRICT?Q?

Sharon "muff" Stone is off her fucking rocker!

George Bushs' daughters dying in Iraq would be Karma

McClellan: Bush misled U.S. on Iraq - Washington Post -

Something just made my "I got to buy this" list...

Oh yeah, and like we didn't ALREADY know this...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Obama faces an uphill battle to win over Florida's Jews - International Herald Tribune

Why so much concern for the Jews? Why not blacks, asians, native
americans? Oh yeah, that whole Jews control the US line....

Friends quit smoking? You probably will too - Addictions -

Its the same mentality that got you addicts to start in the first
place...your weak minds need to fit in!

Petraeus: U.S. in Iraq hinders Iran - Conflict in Iraq -

Has anyone made the connection between this guys name and the phrase...

Just asking...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Charges dropped against '20th' hijacker - Guantanamo

The frame-up continues to fall piece by piece...

Monday!..feeling great!

Spent the weekend banging the shit out of my drums!
Happy Mothers day to all the MILFs I know!

At work, feeling pretty good, getting shit accomplished...

Wondering what is around the next corner for me....

Friday, May 9, 2008

Living your life thru Myspace and Facebook...

Top friends....when did we start ranking our friends, when did we start
ranking our family members?

Do you move your friends/family up or down on your favorites depending
on how you feel about them?

I find it hilarious if I move a "girl" friend on my list up towards the
top the assumption is that I slept with her... ridiculous!

Ps: my top two friends are my sisters! How you like them Apples?!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Fire Sale!

When the government loots the treasury that's when you know trouble is
looming...I will gladly take my 'tax rebate' and invest in non
perishables and some 'duct tape'... blame it on 'the toilet' otherwise
known as the orwellian terror group 'al qeada'...

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Something about Thursdays...wednesdays are just useless days, but if
they didn't exist Thursday would be wednesday...Strange ramblings...but
I digress...thursdays...ahhh the day before Friday! Payday! For
some...but I look forward to seeing my daughter on Fridays! Tomorrow
can't come fast enough...

Communication Breakdown....

Such a good song...but in this text, more of a diffculty...I live in a
world where people hang on every word I say and that's tough, taking a
word written out of happiness revolves around the fact that
I got to sing Happy Birthday to my sister and she told me that it was
the best gift she ever received....not much else going on in my world,
can't have to many friends nor cast too many hooks....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April Showers.....

...ahhh I love when it rains like this....not too cold and not too hot.
Life is good, can't really complain. Amazing as it seems I'm actually

Sunday, April 27, 2008

357 358 359 360 Elite

So after having my repaired xbox shit the bed again I threw down the
coin and picked up a new xbox360, of the elite status...I am going to
get the shitbox repaired and sell it....

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A relationship destroyed by assumption...

I guess actions do speak louder than words...

The delete key is so much easier than getting the facts...

Rockband pics are posted...

Rockband pics from January 27th are posted...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

How do I get the world to listen...

When so many humans can not think for themselves....

Saying goodbye to Magenta....

I tried...had not one but TWO interviews but blue wanted me to take an
$11,400 pay cut to do the same thing...honestly that is way to much
money to be losing...especially when I would be losing my 7 year magenta, with a little luck and some work from senior
management you may have me for another 7 years...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

360 guitars and overdrive...

So finally after roughly 3 weeks I got my Xbox360 back! Woohooo! So I
also bought two wireless guitars for Rockband and they have adesign
flaw! When you tilt them they should go into overdrive, they DON'T! For
those who don't know Rockband and overdrive I'm not going to explain...
need less to say there is a workaround and it is a bitch! The job hunt
is going well...will update sooon

Monday, April 14, 2008

The abilty to read does not by default make you smart...

The ability to comprehend and use what you read in real world situations
makes you smart...
I've heard you folks out in public and I've had the unfortunate comedic
experience trying to figure out what your trying to say with those big
Big words just like a big truck doesnlt take care of that 'issue' you

Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm a confident mutha fucker

Its amazing how confident one can be, it borders on arrogance maybe but
do you want to test me? Well do you!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

April 8th! Opening Day countdown!

Do you remember last year!?
I sure do!
What a freaky coincidence running into Dave Henry and Chris Lebourveau.
Well for the 2nd year in a row we are doing all again! Dave Henry, Chris Barnes, Lebo is in Japan but I'm sure he will be there in spirit...
The festivities begin early so we shall see ya in line at The Boston Beer works!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Vacation and the red ring of death...

So I’m on Vacation! Huh! I know from the many AIM messages and E-mails that obviously vacation and Mike do not usually end up in the same sentence.... but,

Alas I am on vacation... Where did I go you might ask? Watertown! I heard the weather is great this time of year....LOL Yeah I stayed home bitches!

So I am away from my store for 10 days, ahhhhhh! Though I will miss the "people" of the mall I will not miss my customers.. LOL I will miss my staff but they are under the guidance and leadership of my assistant! So my first official day of Vacation could to some seem like one of the worst days....listen to this horseshit! So I wake up at 9 am! Who wakes up at 9am on their vacation, well I guess going to bed at 1030 with a migrane last night would account for that, needless! I go out to the kitchen to reheat my coffee from last night, plug in the space heater, set the micro for a minute and POP! the breaker for the kitchen blows, text the landlord to reset it and I am up and running! So then I go out into the living room and turn on the XBOX360, need to kill me a few terrorists in Vegas but, Microsoft has a message for me, the muthatruckin RED RING OF DEATH! hardware failure! shizzit! So I have to send the shit back for repairs, out of my 360 for a month! Damn!

They say it comes in three’s so I wasn’t surprised to get a text from "my kitty" that read " are we cool?" Ahhh shit! This is the third! I call her and immediately am relieved to hear her voice, I tell her about my day so far and she tells me that seeing her will make my day better. I fully agree with that!

So I’m still waiting on the third thing to drop....

In the meantime I got to shit, shower, go to Comcast and return my 70 dollar a month cable TV thing, and Target.....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The leprechaun, a Kitty, and me...

So...... much has happened since Jan 31st.....

The Leprechaun....
On March 17th, St. Patricks Day, the Boston Region had a very heavy repression raised off their shoulders when it was learned that the Leprechaun was transferred to New "Haven’t won a championship in 8 years" York...Yes, the overpowering "If you do it my way it will be better" midge has been sent on his way..... Hasta La Vista you phoney. I now fully understand why the guys and gals at your last job did back flips when you left.... So bye Martin Sheen...

a Kitty...
I met a real nice girl and have been spending quality time with her. I met her last Octoberish while flying wingman for my boy Barry, to find out that she was not interested in said friend... :-) We lost physical contact but remained in contact via text message and recently started hanging out...

So, as you can see work is good and life is good!

Monday, February 18, 2008

the lowest common denominator....

...those are the people that show up daily at my job...

Feel the breeze...

Each and every day I see the future cannon fodder...
Kids, punks, G's, losers, etc, the draft is coming kiddies....

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Update! My Life and shizzle my Nizzle

So an update to some of my previous blogs...

As of 12/23/07 my roommate/ex moved out and I tell ya its fuckin rough!
Its amazing how lonely one gets when the person that has been a constant part of your life is just not there anymore. She does live around the corner and we do spend time together still, movies, lunch, dinner, ROCKBAND! But ALAS I am by myself....

Had a few friends over from work the other night for a ROCKBAND evening! Was awesome had a blast!

I'm moving on March 1st, just moving downstairs from where I live now, the 3 bedroom is very lonely, and honestly too big for me, so I will move to a one bedroom that will be just right for me....

The job sucks, I know! Usually I'm the one loving his job, but, ALAS a dark cloud came over T-Mobile last August/September, Senior Management was re-shuffled. One boss was forced out of the company, my new boss had to take a demotion and now answers to a guy who replaced him...
Needless to say the Boston region managers are now broken into clicks and as usual I'm not part of that drama ass snizzle. We have favoritism, racism, and just plain hatred in the region now....We also have an unconfirmed rumor that the boss is sleeping with an employee, but again unconfirmed...So with all that drama I've got my ears to the pavement and looking for new opportunities. Don't get me wrong, all this bad shit may pass, I mean I have a deep down feeling that someone can see that for a value based organization our current senior management do not follow the values....they preach them out their ass but do not practice them....As one manager has stated to me, just keep your mouth shut and do your job...LOL

When the fuck have I ever kept my mouth shut?