Monday, March 24, 2008

Vacation and the red ring of death...

So I’m on Vacation! Huh! I know from the many AIM messages and E-mails that obviously vacation and Mike do not usually end up in the same sentence.... but,

Alas I am on vacation... Where did I go you might ask? Watertown! I heard the weather is great this time of year....LOL Yeah I stayed home bitches!

So I am away from my store for 10 days, ahhhhhh! Though I will miss the "people" of the mall I will not miss my customers.. LOL I will miss my staff but they are under the guidance and leadership of my assistant! So my first official day of Vacation could to some seem like one of the worst days....listen to this horseshit! So I wake up at 9 am! Who wakes up at 9am on their vacation, well I guess going to bed at 1030 with a migrane last night would account for that, needless! I go out to the kitchen to reheat my coffee from last night, plug in the space heater, set the micro for a minute and POP! the breaker for the kitchen blows, text the landlord to reset it and I am up and running! So then I go out into the living room and turn on the XBOX360, need to kill me a few terrorists in Vegas but, Microsoft has a message for me, the muthatruckin RED RING OF DEATH! hardware failure! shizzit! So I have to send the shit back for repairs, out of my 360 for a month! Damn!

They say it comes in three’s so I wasn’t surprised to get a text from "my kitty" that read " are we cool?" Ahhh shit! This is the third! I call her and immediately am relieved to hear her voice, I tell her about my day so far and she tells me that seeing her will make my day better. I fully agree with that!

So I’m still waiting on the third thing to drop....

In the meantime I got to shit, shower, go to Comcast and return my 70 dollar a month cable TV thing, and Target.....

1 comment:

  1. weird coincidences.. I am on vacation (home like you) from work as well .. hqad a migraine yesterday, achy, nauseous, was just sick sick sick...

    Chiro said it was just everything catching up to me

    our lives are on the same wavelength.. strange
